
»La finta semplice« (W.A. Mozart, KV 22)

übertitel für die Inszenierung der Salzburger Festspiele 2006

Actress: Acts and speaks the recitative situation between Rosina, Polidoro, Ninetta in brief:

Hall with chairs and chandeliers. Night-time. Rosina, Polidoro, Ninetta

Polidoro says: My dear Signora, everything is settled. The visit, letter, love, present. Now we can get married.

Rosina replies: Oh, my friend. I expect still something more of the man I am to marry. I would like to test you.

Polidoro: This has never happened to me before. Nevertheless test me.

Rosina: Right. Sing me a song!

Polidoro: A song? I should sing a song?

Rosina continues: Then play a minuet.

Polidoro: I only know the clarinet.

Rosina: Well, is there anything you can do?

Ninetta: And you want to be a beau?

Polidoro asks: Did you say piano?

Rosina retorts: Go to Hell, you are a peasant. Many will come now to court me.

Polidoro: But what should I do, Signora?

Ninetta says: Take the candelabra, go outside and you will see who comes.


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